Conference Videos 2022

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Islamic Philosophy Conference 2022

Friday - December 2, 2022


11:00 AM - 12/2/2022

Aaron Spevack - Introduction to the Verification and Renewal Curriculum

Justin Poe - Introduction to the Verification and Renewal Curriculum

Marwan Tayyan - Introduction to the Verification and Renewal Curriculum

Panel Discussion

2:15 PM - 12/2/2022

Najah Nadi – Classical and Late Classical Conceptions of Foundationalism and Occasionalism


Mustafa Steyer – The Basic Foundations of a Realist Epistemology and Scientific Method


Saturday - December 3, 2022

Opening Remarks

9:00 AM - 12/3/2022

Macksood Aftab and Aaron Spevack – Opening Remarks


Session 1

9:30 AM - 12/3/2022

Shoaib Malik, panel chair, Science and Religion, Islam and Science

  • Carl Sharif El-Tobgui – Ibn Taymiyya
  • Ramon Harvey – Al-Maturidi
  • Nazif Muhtaroglu – Abdul Jabbar
  • David Solomon Jalajel – Al-Razi
  • Chryssi Sidiropoulou – Ibn Rushd
  • Safaruk Chowdhury – Ibn Arabi
  • Laura Hassan – Ibn Sina
  • Ayse Tekin – Nasr al-Din al-Tusi

Session 2 - Panel A

12:30 PM - 12/3/2022

Safaruk Chowdhury – Quantum Mechanic, The Incompleteness of Physical Reality and Islamic Occasionalism

Motahare Sadat Hoseinian – Possibilities and limitations of scientific theories in the subject of the letter of deeds

Session 2 - Panel B

1:30 PM - 12/3/2022

Kenan Tekin- Unity of Philosophy as a Science:  A Debate on the Introduction of Matāli’ al-Anwār of al-Urmawī


Mansooreh Khalilizand – The Source of Origination (manšaʾ al-iḫtirāʿ) instead of the Source of Abstraction (manšaʾ al-intizāʿ). Ṣadr al-Dīn Šīrāzī’s other Account of Natural Universal

Q & A, Panel A and B

Session 2 - Panel C

2:30 PM - 12/3/2022

Davlat Dadikhuda – Avicenna against ‘existential inertia’

Aiyub Palmer – The Ideal of Freedom/Liberty as an Emergent Quality Between Ethics and Knowledge in al-Tirmidhī’s Nawādir

Hamza Karamali – Something Can Come From Nothing: A Kalam Critique of One Aspect of William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument

Q & A

Session 2 - Roundtable Discussion

4:00 PM - 12/3/2022

Aaron Spevack, Jawad Qureshi, Haroon Sidat, Mahsuk Yamac, Omar Qureshi, Talal Ahdab, Hamza Karamali, Aiyub Palmer, Najah Nadi, Moiz Hasan, Celene Ibrahim, Safaruk Chowdhury, Macksood Aftab, Atiq Taiyab, Mehmet Fatih Arslan, Mustafa Styer, Davlat Dadikhuda, Ahmed Abdel Meguid

Keynote Address

6:30 PM - 12/3/2022

Ahmed Abdel Meguid – Modal Epistemology and the Critique of Naturalism: A Key to the Harmony between Classical and Post-Classical Islamic Metaphysics and Epistemology

Sunday - December 4, 2022

Session 1

9:30 AM - 12/4/2022

Ramon Harvey & David Solomon Jalajel – Al-Mātūrīdī’s Metaphysics of Causality: A Distinctive Concurrentist Model

Muhammed Volkan Yildiran Stodolsky – Akbarī and Kalam Ontologies within Sunni Islam

Q & A

Session 2

11:00 AM - 12/4/2022

Amal A. Awad – Al-Rāzī on the Theologians’ Materialism 

Sepideh Razi – Material World’s Ontology (in Physics) Based on Fundamentals of Transcendental Wisdom (Hikmah Al-Muta’liyah)

Zehra Oruk Akman – Nothing Could Be Something: A Treatise on Mental Existence

Q & A

Session 3

1:15 PM - 12/4/2022

David Owen – Like Logic to Khadīja: The Sources, Students, and Epistemology of the Daughter of al-‘Āqil

Khalina Mohammed Khalili – Defining Reality through Science: the Philosophy of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas

Fadila Ezzat – Islamic mysticism, theology and philosophy in contemporary times: the case of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas

Q & A

Session 4

2:15 PM - 12/4/2022

Mehmet Fatih Arslan – International Justice: What Justice?

Jawad Qureshi – Taftazani on takwin in his Sharh al Aqaid: Between Glossator and Verifier.

Talal Ahdab – Jurjani’s Risalah on ‘illah and gharad

Monday - December 5, 2022

Session 1

10:00 AM - 12/5/2022

Nuruddin Al Akbar – Occasionalism, Evolution, and Intelligent Design: Reconstruction of Mulyadhi Kartanegara’s Thought


Syeda Maryam Fatima Taqvi – Gadamer, Ibn Sina, and the Aesthetics of Self-Transformation.

Melsen Kafilaj – Wonder, Self-Awareness and the Symbolic of Light in the Poetry of Naim Frashëri and Hafiz Shirazi

SAHINSHA P – Philosophical Discourses on Epistemology in Sharhul Aqaaid; Reading Ilmul Kalam as Islamic Philosophy

Q & A

Session 2

11:45 AM - 12/5/2022

Stephen Cúrto – Fanā’ fī Allah as Baqā’ bi’Imām: Theomorphic Imāmology and ‘Name Theophany’ in the Brahm Prakāsh, Saloko Moṭo, and Moṭi Venti Granths

Riza Kalyoncu – The Place of Al-Fārābī’s Book of Short Syllogism According to The Method of Theologians (Qıyās al-saghīr  ‘alā ṭarīqat al-mutakallimīn) in his Project of Logic

Kidhar P.T – Faith and Flux: Revisiting the Metaphysicality of Islam

Q & A

Session 3

1:00 PM - 12/5/2022

Kainat Jalaluddin – The Divine Command from the Unseen towards the Seen: Decoding the Creator-Creation relationship in the thoughts of Nasiruddin al-Tusi

Anwar ul Haq – Ibn Rushd before Kant: On the Conditions of the Possibility of Knowledge

Mansoor Ponnechethi – Philosophical and Materialistic Methods In ʿIlm al-Kalām In Last Two Centuries; A Critical Appraisal On Kubrā Al-Yaqīnīyyāt Al-Kawnīyyah  Of Muḥammad Saʿīd Ramaḍān al-Būṭī

Q & A

Session 4

2:15 PM - 12/5/2022

Setayesh Karami –  Comparative Assessment of Godlikeness of Man through the Acquisition of Virtues from the Points of View of Plotinus and Mulla Sadra

Nabil Yasien Mohammed – Towards a Contemporary Islamic Environmental Ethics: The Ontological and Moral Status of Animals

Q & A